Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Celine's Laws

Gah! Another blasted UK election and another blasted merry-go-round of lies. And, despite all the lessons that history has tried to beat into our stupid heads, we still insist on keeping this sick system afloat. Well, I suppose the only good thing to say about democracy is that it's better than the alternatives. We may be ruled by the worst liars, hypocrites and hate-mongers to have backstabbed their way to the apex of society, but at least we have the illusion that we can vote them out next time. Sadly, the old saw: "It doesn't matter who you vote for; the government always gets in," is entirely apt. The only things we can be sure of is that whoever wins, they won't have our rights or interests at heart; they won't listen to public opinion; and they won't do what they promised they would. Hurrah! Everyone go out and vote!

So, as the insanity increases and rationality gets put on hold, let's all remember the worryingly self-evident Celine's Laws, shall we?

1) National security is the chief cause of national insecurity. (Because if you're not afraid of the "security forces" in their Stasi-like zeal, you really haven't been paying attention to all those whistleblowers recently, have you?)

2) Accurate communication is only possible in a non-punishing situation. (Everyone suffers from confirmation bias -- yes, even me, even you. But when your leaders ignore the real evidence and, I dunno, use your taxes to help kill 116,277 or maybe even 500,000 people, then go on to attack those people who speak up, it becomes "a problem".)

3) An honest politician is a national calamity. (A ludicrous proposition? Well, say what you like about communist regimes, but you can't say they weren't really fucking sincere about socialism. The more a government wants to "change society for the better", the more laws they must create to do so. The more laws they create, the more people become criminals. The more criminals there are, the bigger the danger to society. You can see where this is going, right?)

Alas, it's humanity's lot to keep adopting ridiculous ideologies. No matter what lessons history teaches us, we'll carry on believing things that aren't true because it's easier to to adopt someone else's stance than to think for yourself. It's just human nature to want to be on the winning team, and the team leaders are not interested in inconvenient facts, (such as they are).

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